Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Science Advisory Board Report 2020 (excerpt – recommendations)

  1. A strong focus should be maintained on international research projects and initiatives. While national projects are important in ensuring capacity in research funding and support for diverse and relevant scientific activities, high levels of international competition raise the bar of scientific excellence and
    bring back high visibility and increased relevance in the international scientific panorama. In particular, brilliant scientists should apply to calls under the Excellence pillar of the H2020 (and next Horizon Europe) framework program, keeping in mind that scientific quality and perseverance are both keys to
  2. The overall quality and the breadth of the scientific research at IG-PAS seem to be best exploited through participation including leading roles in large integrated geophysical projects with objectives capable of revitalizing the roles and relevance of geophysics in the 21st century while advancing science. Research on polar regions seems to offer such opportunities considering the level ofcommitment by the Institute and the variety of themes in solid Earth physics, atmospheric physics,marine research, and bio-geochemistry. Similarly, there seems to be a high potential for developing multi-disciplinary integrated projects aimed at evaluating geothermal heat extraction in Poland andother north-eastern European regions, including analysis and evaluation of extraction-related hazards.Given this potential, IG-PAS researchers are encouraged to further strengthen their leadership roles insuch international collaborations as would be reflected in lead authorship of the resulting publications.
  1. The current re-organization of the Institute activities according to four highly inter-disciplinary thematic areas should be continued and supported with the development of medium term, multi-year strategic plans with clear and verifiable objectives. These objectives must be further buttressed by a
    sustainability plan that identifies the resources needed and the foreseen funding sources including external funds to achieve in competitive calls. Furthermore, each thematic area should be associated to a long-term objective representing grand challenges, expressed in layman terms so as to be
    effectively communicated externally providing a message on the relevance of the Institute for science and society.
  2. The development of the Institute DMP should be supported by a sustainability plan which accounts for the resources necessary to maintain and implement it over the long term. The AB appreciates that the first part of the FAIR principles making data findable and accessible is progressing well and recommends that further implementations concentrate on data interoperability and reusability.
  3. Revitalization of the Dobrowolski observatory in east Antarctica is a highly demanding task in terms of logistic and technical issues as well as financial resources. We believe that the potential benefits largely overcome the costs of the endeavour and recommend pursuing this initiative with the aid of a
    strong long-term sustainability plan. Due to its strategic relevance, we understand that the Polish Government is considering coverage of the initial costs, and we recommend that the discussion be continued with the objective to ensure Government-level long-term sustainability which would justify
    the efforts and allow proper plans to be developed and implemented.
  4. One of the key components of a vibrant research institute is the presence, among its members, of a significant number of PhD students and post-doctoral fellows. While there is a strong component of young to mid-age researchers at the Institute, we notice that the number of PhD students has significantly decreased over the last five years. Efforts have been made to provide incentives for IG researchers to participate in competitions for external funds at the national and international levels and include PhD’s and post-docs in their applications. Additionally, IG-PAS recently formed two doctoral schools jointly with several other research institutions, which are now the only ones offering
    PhD’s in Geophysics in Poland. We recommend to proactively advertise these positions internationally as widely as possible, and to maintain and increase the efforts to ensure increase in the number and quality of PhD students coming from Poland and abroad.