My name is Maryam and I am from Iran. I am currently working as a data management specialist in the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences. I have studied natural resources engineering in the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, in my hometown. After completing my degree, I worked in Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The university atmosphere gradually inspired me to continue my study not only in higher levels but also abroad. I decided to join Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) to conduct my M.Sc. in applied geophysics. I became familiar with geophysical methods such as remote sensing, resistivity, magnetic, seismic, etc., and I had the chance to apply a few of these methods to monitor environmental pollution. I published several papers based on the results of the project. Then I have been offered a position of research assistant (data officer) at the Center of Seismic Imaging, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, in Malaysia, for two years. Meanwhile, I attended some of national and international conferences to learn more and to make new connections in our field societies.
In 2019, along with my family, I moved to Poland, and I decided to seek a job related to my background. Considering the fact that my husband was working as a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics, PAS, I knew about the Institute very well. Since I had a previous experience with data management, moreover, I was familiar with the geophysical data and projects, hence I applied for my current position at the department of Technical Support (IT). Today, after four months working at the Institute, I strongly believe that I have learnt a lot about the new ways to manage research data, and how important it is to develop a database for efficient access and sharing the data. Here, I take this opportunity to appreciate Dr. Dorota Olszewska for all her effort to train me for this position. Finally, I encourage all researchers of IG PAS, to utilize the data portal for sharing their research data, whether publicly or privately, which will have a great impact on the future of their career.