HR Excellence in Research

In November 2021, a series of information meetings with individual research departments took place to increase the awareness of participants in the field of the HRS4R procedure and the Logo HR award granted to the Institute. The meetings were conducted by three representatives of the HR Logo Working Group: MSc Roksana Chmielowska, MSc Izabela Nowaczyńska and dr. Piotr Klejment.

To understand the needs of researchers and doctoral students and to diagnose gaps within the 40 principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, on November 10-21, a survey was carried out at the IG PAS on the relevance and degree of implementation of the principles of the Charter and the Code at the IG PAS.

You can download the survey results here:

A broader analysis of the survey will be available in the updated IG PAS HR strategy in January 2022.

More information about the HRS4R procedure and the implementation of the HR Logo at IG PAS is available in the new tab: HR Excellence in Research on the Institute’s website.

What is Logo HR?

HR Excellence in Research is part of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) strategy, which aims to increase the attractiveness of working conditions, and thus the number of research workers in the European Union.

The Institute was awarded the HR Excellence in Research logo by the European Commission in June 2016, after meeting a number of formal requirements and submitting relevant documents.

The HR logo is awarded to supporting institutions and in practice applying the principles contained in the “European Charter for Researchers” and the “Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers”. These documents were issued in 2005 as a recommendation of the European Commission addressed to scientists, employers and research funders operating in the public and private sectors.

• The European Charter for Researchers describes the rights and obligations of researchers, their employing institutions and research funding organizations.

• The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers describes the rules for the recruitment of researchers that employers should follow to ensure equal treatment of researchers in Europe.

More about the HRS4R strategy on the Euraxess website:

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