Awards for outstanding scientific and administrative employees

The annual reports on the scientific work of the Institute took place on March 23-24 and March 30-31. A nice part during the last reporting session was the “virtual” presentation of the awards of the Director of the Institute of Geophysics PAS, awarded to outstanding scientific and administrative employees. Among the awarded were:

  • Dr. Oskar Głowacki, who received I award of the Director of the Institute of Geophysics PAS
  • Dr. Bartłomiej Luks, who received II award of the Director of the Institute of Geophysics PAS
  • Dr. Tomasz Wawrzyniak, who received II award of the Director of the Institute of Geophysics PAS
  • Dr. eng. Agnieszka Czerwińska, who received award of distinction
  • Assoc. Prof. Michael Nones, who received award of distinction
  • Department employees of “PSP HORNSUND”: Włodzimierz Sielski, Grażyna Dziurla, Katarzyna Matysiak, Marcin Ruszczak
  • eng. Rafał Jasiński
  • team award: Prof. Paweł Rowiński, Assoc. Prof. Monika Kalinowska, Assoc. Prof. Michael Nones, dr. Anna Łoboda, dr. Łukasz Przyborowski
  • team award: Prof. Stanisław Lasocki, M.Sc. Anna Leśnodorska, M.Sc. Karolina Chodzińska, M.Sc. eng. Izabela Dobrzycka, M.Sc. Marcin Zimny, M.Sc. Witold Olszewski, M.Sc. Alicja Caputa, M.Sc. Beata Plesiewicz, M.Sc. Dominika Wenc, Kaj Michałowski, M.Sc. eng. Michał Lelonek.

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